In direct contrast to most American documentaries which are overly dramatic and repetitive, this is actually a satisfying watch. It's a warts and all exposé of how 9/11 evolved, from those who were aboard the presidential aircraft. And believe me, there were some pretty scary revelations about how unprepared the US government and military were in the face of an attack. Bless him, George Dubya Bush puts in an appearance and he doesn't mince words... Very interesting. The only thing that marks it down is that whoever was tasked with subtitles made a very poor job of them. Spelling mistakes and errors all over the place. I am not hard of hearing, but I find I can concentrate better if I'm hearing and seeing the information. Subtitlers often think they can get away with doing a shoddy job, so I believe it's worth pointing it out from time to time! But yeah, it's a good doco, bearing repeated viewing.