Sobrenatural (1981)
The greatest mystery man must face... his most fantastic adventure: Death.
31 May 2024
Terrorized by the spirit of her tyrannical dead husband, Julia (Cristina Galbó) seeks help from a medium and a parapsychologist while her concerned boyfriend Victor (Máximo Valverde) struggles to come to terms with matters of the supernatural.

At the end of Supernatural, I couldn't help but think how much better it might have been had Lucio Fulci been calling the shots: the film is screaming out for some of his otherworldly atmosphere and trademark over-the-top splatter.

Admittedly, director Eugenio Martin does try in a couple of scenes - an attack in a fogbound car is creepy and Julia's housekeeper being slashed by a flying electric carving knife is fun - but, for the majority of the time, Martin adopts an extremely slow-burn approach, his film largely consisting of confusing pseudo-scientific claptrap, Kirlian photography, alternate dimensions, silver energy cords, and astral projection amongst the baffling gobbledegook spouted by the parapsychologist.

The ending of the film makes no sense whatsoever, as Julia's dead hubby materialises and stalks her through her home before being lured into a trap that banishes him to another realm. Very perplexing!

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