Review of Die Hart

Die Hart (2023)
Funny how?
4 June 2024
No pun intended - just the other day I was talking with a friend and we thought "any movie that has a variant, an idea of a famous person/actor in it, is good ... well at least the ones we watched, right?" ... and it was right up to that moment. We were talking about Nic Cage playing Nic Cage (well a version of himself) and certainly John Malkovich ... even JCVD (or Jean Claude van Damme for you) is just amazing.

Well this movie is anything but ... but instead of going low (I would have given this a solid 6 to be honest), I thought ... well this has Nathalie Emmanuel in it ... so I'll go high(er) than that. I hope you can bear with me. And the movie is kind of fun - it may have certain people and call certain people by their rightful name ... and then it has John Travolta ... being someone else than himself. Well character name wise ... he could be as crazy in real life, right? I am just kidding of course ... good performance by him too.

Still way over the top - you have to dig it, to love it. Talking of loving it - where was the Rock? All that name calling, but no dice? Would have been fun - on the other hand, he would have stolen the sunshine from all others involved I reckon ... well there is the sequel so ... maybe there? (no is the answer in case you don't want to check for him there)
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