15 August 2024
This is an excellent adaptation of the original comics & quite different from the various cuts of the film.

The reviews saying this is boring must be by very boring & bored viewers, because the basic story is intact & as exciting and enthralling as ever.

Various changes have been made , otherwise the length of this film would be several hours long as the older 'animated comic' version proved.

I've seen all the various versions so far & this is a more faithful variation on the original comics (which I read as they were being released & before collected into graphic novel format) .

I love ALL the versions, except the 'theatrical cut' of Snyder's film- I love the Directors cut even tho some serious liberties were made with the story later in the film.

I really enjoyed the several hour animated comic version , tho even that missed several moments from the comics, it was 97% there.

This version begins with a superb recreation of the actual comics pages (altered in Snyder's film versions) , tho starts changing the original flow of the comics by issue 2 (the funeral) , however it does it in an imaginative & creative way that doesn't spoil the overall story. Some of the intercutting works brilliantly & some not so, but it still works & manages to move the story on in a concise manner without disrespecting the source material.

The artwork/animation is fabulous, combining the superb original style with a more sleek & sometimes airbrushed glow, very like Dave Gibbons promotional art for the Graphic Novel Collection. I'm surprised others have criticised it, it really is well designed, devised & implemented. For several scenes I totally forgot I was viewing an animation & thought I was watching a well made CgI moment.

So why not 10/10 then you may wonder?

Well, the soundtrack, which is also excellent can be a bit too high in the mix & obscure some great lines of dialogue... and that is about it with my quibbles !

AND ONE BIG ISSUE- at the end of the credits after the film- a PREVIEW of Part2 is shown that in should really be avoided & never included, as it spoils some key moments later in the story.

Some may whinge that Laurie looks slightly different to the comic, but that is a minor issue. Others may complain that Ozymandias role is more explicit, but I imagine everyone watching this version is already familiar with the source material or Synders film.

Some may wonder what is the BEST version of Watchmen & that depends on the viewer..... but for me the COMICS were the best version (obviously!) .

The animated comic is the closest 'filmatic' version, while the Synder DIRECTORS CUT (with the Black Freighter parts included) is very well done but not as faithful to the source material as this version,.... ALL of them are are superb 'thoughtful entertainment ' that puts most modern writing to shame.

All the various versions are so different that they are all worth seeing if you love the original comics.

Note - I did not mention the HBO sequel series because I thought it was painfully bad & an insult to the original series (the comics).
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