Crescent City (2024)
2 stars... only because I try not to give 1star reviews.
17 August 2024
I knew it was just a bit part for Alec Baldwin, so i wasn't expecting anything special from him. I've never really seen anything amazing from terrence Howard, but I'm a fan of Esai Morales... especially later in his career.

That said, this was truly one of the least enjoyable films I've ever seen. I've seen worse acting, worse editing, worse writing, and worse cinematography, but in those cases it was obvious going in what you were getting.

It was just mediocre all the way around, the plot was paper thin, and I didn't buy anything that was going on with Morales, Howard or the Aussie cop... absolutely no chemistry between the actors.

I really try not to give below a 5 star rating, but for some reason 2 stars felt right after watching this.
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