Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack is a film that falls short of its potential and suffers from underdeveloped concepts.
21 August 2024
I recently watched Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack (2023) on Tubi. The storyline follows a young orphaned girl who is unable to speak. She's been adopted and is trying to adjust to her new life. One day, she receives a mysterious present-a large Jack-in-the-box-that changes her life forever.

The film is written and directed by William Butler (Madhouse) and stars Sean Ramey (Dance for Me), Carson Polish (Mafia Spies), Taylor Abigail Rice (Mockingbird), Kamarra Cole (Head on a Plate), and Mabel Thomas (Curse of the Reanimator).

Unfortunately, this movie feels rushed and low-budget at times, with a concept that could have been better developed. It's disappointing because the opening is fun, featuring some great gore. There's a solid throat-slash scene and consistent, well-executed blood splatter throughout. The barn kill and soundtrack are also highlights. However, many scenes build up tension and seem menacing, only to fall flat in the end. The acting is stiff, and the dialogue misses the mark more often than not.

In conclusion, Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack is a film that falls short of its potential and suffers from underdeveloped concepts. I'd score it a 4/10 and would only recommend it to diehard fans of the series.
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