I have seen two other movies by Zhang Lu, set in Korea, with Korean actors, and I felt dissatisfied to some extent with both of them. This is the one I liked best. I guess I resonate much more with the Chinese-ness of the characters. They are more relatable in a way, they make much more sense to me. I also liked the locales, the old houses and streets. It is a bloated movie, there are scenes that could've been cut, maybe a good half hour of it. But this resonated with me, I found myself interested and drawn to some of the characters and their stories. I liked Ouyang Wenhui the least probably, unlike Park So-dam's character in Ode to the Goose. But the rest of them I wanted to know more about. Even Gu's poor renter has a pretty good scene. His sister, daughter, brother-in-law, his ex, his old school friends, his dad, his mom. I wanted more time with them instead of semi-dreamscape passages but it's ok. I'm glad I had the patience for it.