Admittedly I went in blind, having not read the book and I was pleasantly surprised! Being a big fan of the original books and movies, I had been curious about this one for a while, but hadn't got round to seeing it in cinema as I was on the fence about watching it due to the mixed reception it has received...Ended up finding it free on Neon and found I quite enjoyed it! It isn't perfect by any means as there were plenty of interesting plot points that felt slightly rushed in parts regardless of the films looong run time of 2.5ish hours, so it may have worked better as two movies, combining parts 1 and 2 and fleshing them out more in one film and part 3 also more fleshed out in another, but overall was perfectly serviceable and an effective deep dive into what made Corianolus Snow go rogue and what influenced the later games style. I'm looking forward to the next entry if it's anything like this one!