Good experience
20 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the movie on two different years, I was alone on my first time watching it on an online platform and as I became busy I paused the movie only to come back two years later and complete it 12h ago with a Jordanian friend who has watched the movie 6 times now.

1) I find the comedic sequences in the movie to be quite good at many times. Remember again, no one laughs at all types of comedies you have to keep that in mind. Some standups make me laugh and some I cannot continue watching even when both performers are well known for their storytelling abilities.

2) The use of Graphics in the movie is very refreshing. Put in mind that a lot graphics of this sort was done -in past movies- with the cooperation of Egyptian and foreign CGI companies. It is a positive that a medium film budget brings out a very refreshing CGI. However, the main fight in the pub scene could have been sketched otherwise.

3) The main improvement I saw was needed was with the lighting. Lights inside of the castle can diminish or improve the feeling that it is actually a mystery castle. So, lights could have been tweaked a little bit better. That aura that light adds could have been tweaked too.

4) Some props, like the metal safe, could have been tweaked to not look like a polyester made safe painted to look like a metal safe. Also, props weights must show on cam. In other words, the metal safe's heavy weight should be believed and portrayed on cam.

5) Another point, the other devilish families could have had a job description. Like Fouad was the one managing the pub, other families could have had their management shown too. For example, one family could be in charge of the main kitchen that cooks humans/ weird creatures. This would open a sequence for some comedic lines + it would add to the story overall. Another family can be in charge of the garden's most important plants; whether that be plants that make poison, or trees that have a secret purpose shown with CGI, or just the very old trees they respect. Lastly, when showing fouad, that one minute of singing and dancing I found was not necessary. Instead, the camera could have faded away or zoomed out after a short while and the music could have continued to fade in the background.

Overall, I actually ended up enjoying the movie so much especially in the company of a friend.
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