Making History & Magic in the 21st Century from the History & Magic of 1970
20 July 2024
This is a mind-blowingly great documentary blending the historic 1970 tour with its recreation in 2015 spearheaded by Tedeschi Trucks, including visual split-screens of the song being performed simultaneously in both eras. As of 2024 this is thankfully available on the Criterion Channel, but it's such a crime that it's not universally in the public consciousness. This is about timeless music dating back to the birth of R&B but played and captured with 21st century film and editing tools & techniques.

This is Scorsese-level filmmaking as far as I'm concerned - about an historic Woodstock-like musical collective - and it being successfully recreated in the present.

It so wonderfully conveys bandleader Leon - and how he loves chaos and the unknown - which is sure speakin my language, and boy he'd fit right in with the Merry Pranksters.

Unlike some movies where I'm clock-watching for it to be over - I didn't want this to ever end. And as soon as it did, I hit refresh and watched it again!

This shoulda been Oscar nominated. And boy, would this be a party to see in a theater!
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