One Night Stand Murder (2023 TV Movie)
Worth Watching
21 July 2024
This was a fairly enjoyable movie with some good dialog (if not the best writing overall) and reasonable performances by the cast (although the actor playing Officer Willis had some odd line readings). I'm not sure that the criticism the lead actress is getting is entirely fair: yes, she came across as a complete dimwit, but that was actually required for the plot to function at all. After all, if she just went to the police immediately after she found the body, and didn't spend most of the movie evading them, the movie would have been five minutes long. I mean, everybody was telling her to hand herself in, even the killer (not a spoiler, like I said *everybody* was telling her to hand herself in). Yes, there was physical evidence against her, and it was believable that she would be scared to go to the police; but it clearly was her best, if not only, option. But, like I said, the performance made her actions believable. Since, as far as I can remember, this is the only thing I've ever seen her in, I'm not sure if this was good acting, good casting, or just good luck, but it was what the movie needed.
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