But I'm not certain I like what it was either. 4 high school friends (should have been college friends as they all looked too old for HS) are hanging at a party. The first 3/4 of the film was an okay depiction of the hubris and bored rebellion of youth, with just a hint at what was motivating their behaviors. Unfortunately, the film packed in the "devil's night" in the last quarter stunting what could have been a few steps further in characterization for mindless satanism (maybe, or some sort of cult worship). Even pushing the adolescent male relationships further into a toxic space and horrifying that element would have been better than what was the last 15 minutes of the film But instead, it just maintains its pointless torture for some unspoken reason of the devil worshippers; end. And I mean it just ends. There is a small scene after to try to share how bad it was, but no, we are told nothing more. So somewhat affecting bro culture display ending with pointless cult satanism. The rating is pulled higher for the descent acting and depiction of "youth in revolt" of how the film started. If it was only the last part, it would get a 1.