All 2nd Unit footage was shot in one day and MOS (without sound). All effects of voices, splashing water, etc. were added in over 2 years after the original filming date.
The actress Kerri Dillon, who plays Carla already knew the writer/director from another set they had met on...a short award-winning film entitled "The Soundman's Love", which was screened in the U.S. and Japan.
The original person slated to be the Gaffer turned on a dime just a few days after shooting 2nd Unit footage and stormed off the production, alienating everyone. To this day none of the cast or crew know why.
Actress Katie Vohwinkel often took good-natured ribbing about her part mainly because in real life she is almost the polar opposite of her character.
The time that passed between shooting 2nd Unit and the main footage was approximately 3 months. In addition, the last day of shooting was another 3 months after the previous 6 days which was done over 3 weekends.