Miles is a 17 yr old looking desparately to get out of his small town. But his dad dies very early in the film, and there goes his college money. His odd ticket out, which doesnt seem to make much sense, is to get Men's volleyball scholarship to a school in Chicago. But, there's onl a girls volleyball time at his school, so he signs up for that. Then much of what follows is drama in a small town that takes its gir's volleyball very seriously.
A side drama is that being gay in a small town in 2000 , Mile's only chance for contact w/other gays is online chats. What i loved about this is that altho his small town didn't provide opportuniies for any gay friends, or bf's, being gay is just another trait of him not a defining one. There is no gay angst.
I really enjoyed the closeness and support from Mile's mother and several of the townfolk. The small town politics was spot on, very frustrating at times, but no disney villains here.
Lastly, I loved Tim Boardman as Miles. very young actor did a great job. Very steady performance. And he just lights up the screen with youthful optimisim as he looks for ways out of his small town, and starting life as he leaves the nest.
One caveat, there are alot of low user ratings i would disregard. It's like they saw a different movie, or possibly have some agenda that has no bearing on the quality of the movie.