17 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 75New York PostSara StewartNew York PostSara StewartEven the most extreme punishments are softened by hilariously neurotic dialogue. Vive la Delpy!
- 70The Hollywood ReporterBoyd van HoeijThe Hollywood ReporterBoyd van HoeijLolo has a solid laughs-per-minute rate and enough twists to overcome the occasional screenplay hiccup.
- 70Village VoiceBilge EbiriVillage VoiceBilge EbiriLolo is a fun, airy movie, but it's also unafraid of complexity.
- 67The PlaylistJessica KiangThe PlaylistJessica KiangLolo features long stretches of perhaps her most accomplished and enjoyable character-comedy yet. But as often with filmmakers for whom a certain register comes almost too easily, Delpy seems impatient with herself and her facility for spiky, verbal sparring and pithy self-deprecating put-downs.
- 63Slant MagazineChuck BowenSlant MagazineChuck BowenA curiously unsentimental director of romantic comedies, Julie Delpy sees romance for the work that it primarily is.
- 58The A.V. ClubThe A.V. ClubThe film is at its best when its central trio fumbles around the same circle of hell they’ve obliviously created for themselves, making the best of a situation that is much worse than they could ever imagine.
- 50VarietyAndrew BarkerVarietyAndrew BarkerWell cast and funny just often enough to recommend.
- 50Movie NationRoger MooreMovie NationRoger MooreLolo is entirely too familiar, too predictable, a character study in romantic mishaps that’s far less interesting than the name Delpy cooked up for her “little alpine bunny,” a passive, pretty creature worthy of our contempt, at least as Wells envisioned him.
- 40Screen DailyTim GriersonScreen DailyTim GriersonJulie Delpy’s latest directorial effort juggles some potentially delicious ideas, but Lolo proves to be an exasperating romantic comedy that flirts with darker terrain it never has the guts or wit to really explore.
- 20The GuardianPeter BradshawThe GuardianPeter BradshawThis romp is just embarrassing.