Mon, Mar 16, 2015
An employee of the Counter-Terrorism Center, Anna Zimina, learns that the terrorists have recruited a Russian officer and are preparing a terrorist attack. Several years later, during a special operation, Major of the GRU, Aleksey Bragin, was released from captivity. Anna suspects that the major is the recruited officer, and sets up a secret surveillance for him.
Tue, Mar 17, 2015
Anna receives irrefutable evidence that the notorious terrorist Ben Jalid, who was considered dead, is alive. Bragin hardly gets used to a peaceful life, it is difficult for him to establish relationships with children. Anna discovers that Bragin periodically leaves for a garage where cameras are not installed.
Tue, Mar 17, 2015
The Bragins family is preparing for an interview for the federal channel, but the situation is heating up: daughter Katya, being aware of the relationship between her mother and uncle, blames Elena for treason to her father. Katya meets with friends and gets under a police check, as a result of which she ends up in a police station. Bragin, using his fame, rescues his daughter.
Wed, Mar 18, 2015
Anna discovers that the head of the Arab prince's security, before leaving the country, visited one of the points of Hawala, an international Muslim payment network. Observation is established behind the point, and in one of the photographs Volskiy recognizes his former student.
Wed, Mar 18, 2015
CTC employees capture Latif, the terrorist who tortured Bragin in the zindan. Volskiy, Anna and Bragin arrive for interrogation. Information is being pulled from Latif, playing on his desire to save his family. Dmitriy wants to return Elena, for this he is establishing relations with Bragin's son Vanya, who treats him much better than his own father.
Thu, Mar 19, 2015
In an effort to prove Bragin's involvement in Latif's death, Anna convinces her superiors to polygraph everyone who was interrogated. Elena and Bragin are increasingly moving away from each other, their family is on the verge of collapse. Bragin goes to the bar, where he meets Anna.
Thu, Mar 19, 2015
After a polygraph test, Anna and Bragin leave the city together. Their romance develops, but as a result of the girl's oversight, Bragin realizes that she was following him. Yulia is intercepted at the border. With the help of Volskiy, she agrees to cooperate with the KTC and draws up a portrait of a recruited Russian officer: this is not Bragin.
Mon, Mar 23, 2015
Bragin makes peace with his wife. Their family is rebuilding. The couple attend a gala reception together in honor of Basov's party. Anna plans to go to Khamzin, using his wife Tamara. Bragin cannot believe that his comrade is alive. He comes to Aziz, one of Ben Jalid's supporters.
Tue, Mar 24, 2015
Basov visits Bragin, offering him to become the third on the party list. Bragin consults with his family and, with the help of his daughter, gets general consent. He asks Anna to keep their relationship a secret, making it clear that there will be no continuation. To lure Khamzin out, Anna forces Aziz to make an appointment with him and organizes the capture. But things are not going according to plan.