- TV Series
- 2014–
"Peepz" is an African American comedy sitcom written and directed by Cedric "Cnote" Buard about Liz, a single mother and her daughter Carol. This sitcom is about the adventures that Liz and ... Read all"Peepz" is an African American comedy sitcom written and directed by Cedric "Cnote" Buard about Liz, a single mother and her daughter Carol. This sitcom is about the adventures that Liz and Carol face in life and family, otherwise known as "Peepz"."Peepz" is an African American comedy sitcom written and directed by Cedric "Cnote" Buard about Liz, a single mother and her daughter Carol. This sitcom is about the adventures that Liz and Carol face in life and family, otherwise known as "Peepz".