Maria trespasses into Purgatory and faces a ghost from her past. Enos' dark forces grow closer. David confronts a terrible secret and learns the reason his love for Grace is forbidden.
A veiled threat against his daughter in the confession booth raises the stakes for Pastor Bledsoe. Meanwhile, David hides at a lake house with two women who are romantic rivals.
The deadly SWAT-team assault on Enos Abascal's cult, Order of the Everlasting. Tear gas. Screams, Gunshots. Flash grenades. In the altar room, David lands in jail when a cop frames him.
In a dark alley, a woman has a stranger in the throes of ecstasy. Then come the escalating screams: his in agony, hers of pleasure. A demonic lover makes Abigail an indecent proposal. The Reverand forbids his daughter from seeing David.
Out of rage and resentment directed at her father, Grace scratches madly at the rune on her shoulder. David is offered a temptation he can't resist. Reverend Bledsoe makes a deal with the Devil.
Enos Demon army is revealed to be a brainwashed cult, so David, Maria, Grace and Bledsoe pose as recruits and attend the seminar to learn more. Once they arrive on Sangalo Island, they fear that Enos' trap could be impossible to escape.
At Cadillac Black's, Abigail causes Maria to make out with a woman and some dudes--one of whom turns out to be a stalker. Meanwhile, David is torn between his attraction to a black girl and a white supremacist gang.