Its slightly less than 2 hour movie and it takes around 30 minutes to come to the main plot - Initial 15 minutes main characters are introduced and next 15 minutes we get to see their Non existent chemistry. In all honestly even after they take the trip story keeps meandering aimlessly without any direction from their lacking chemistry to love life of main hero to Bhangarh trip, revenge story and blah blah.
Let me try introduction of passengers in this trip. Jay an expressionless leader of the gang. Kavya who has just two expressions smiling and giving twisted smirk,gets offended at adult jokes taking jibes at girl but mouth cuss words and even worse jokes in order to look cool. Golu- An overacting fat ass trying to be funny. Jaddu the Casanova- whom i don't think even witches would date. Ashu who is projected as someone who can outsmart anyone by showing his boss getting fooled by his childish buttering. Along with these passengers we have pretty loose script , bad direction, old SMS jokes which are no more funny and bad acting to contend with.
With such passengers on the trip i think this trip should be COMPLETELY AVOIDED