I regret spending my money to buy this series. It borders on pure rubbish! The only take-away message is that this dynasty was stupid, incompetent, and masters of misdeeds. The only good to come out of their rule is the ascendancy of the English Parliament and the developing limitations on royal prerogatives. What's the point otherwise!
The use of French by the actors is commendable but the armor worn by the cast is laughable and quite ludicrous. They wear chain mail from the 1100s up to the end of the 1300s, and it only covers the upper part of their bodies. Their lower torsos remain completely unprotected. This garb has no basis in reality and there is no attempt to show the evolution of armor, with the increasing use of plate by the upper classes with the passage of the centuries. Apparently the makers of this series never bothered to look at English brass rubbings of the periods covered and really show their gross sloppiness and perhaps reveal an effort to curtail the expense of producing this so-called historical documentary.
I have rarely been so harsh in judging the quality of a British series but I feel that my adverse reaction to this show is fully justified.