"The Taker's Crown" is a spin-off of the GloryReelz Film Festival Finalist short film, "The Taker", also produced by WhiteShore Films.
"The Taker's Crown" is a spin-off of the GloryReelz Film Festival Finalist short film, "The Taker", and the first feature film of the WhiteShore Films film universe.
"The Taker's Crown" was originally scheduled to be released on YouTube in September 2015 as a web series. After much counsel, Josiah Swanson made the decision to make the web series into a feature film.
The original director of photography and the actor playing Tome both quit within three weeks before production started. Josiah Swanson and his team frantically searched and found new people to replace these people in their roles, a week before production started.
The very last two days of filming were with Donna Frazier and Greg Wolfe who are playing prominent roles in the sequel film following The Taker's Crown.