Independent Director Anna Rose Holmer (Producer of Jody Lee Lipes' "Ballet 422"), along with writer Saela Davis, present a female coming of age project filled with few words, yet provocative in meaning and intention. The cast is filled with real life youth Cincinnati drill team members, featuring strong raw performances by Toni (Royalty Hightower), her cool brother Donte (Antonio A.B. Grant Jr.), and the lovable Breezy (Alexis Noblest), all who are trying to find their way in a society that has forgotten about them. Because dialogue is at a minimum here, with individual performances driving the film and dialogue delivery at times amateur, the viewing audience must make what they will out of the vague storyline presented. Unfortunately, this lazy-faire direction by Holmer leaves the film with spurts of boredom. However, when the viewing experience is over, one can't help but want to speak to someone about what was just presented. Is "The Fits" about the desire to fit in, the epidemic currently playing out in Flint Michigan, about bonding at all costs, or something completely else? While the film may be garnering a lot of attention, I heard more "C" ratings than "A" ratings at the screening I attended (including mine), and many film attendees (again including myself) were left with more questions than the film answered.