- Christy Beam: I lost my faith. Because of that, I didn't see what was all around me. Albert Einstein said there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle. I'm the first to tell you I wasn't living my life as though everything is a miracle. I missed a lot. Miracles are everywhere.
- Christy Beam: Miracles are God. And God is forgiveness. Why was Anna healed when today around the world there are so many children suffering? I don't know the answer. But after everything I've been through, I've realized I'm not alone. And whatever you may be going through, I am here to tell you, you are not alone. Miracles are God's way of letting us know he's here.
- Pastor Scott: Let me tell you, at the lowest points of my life I've tried it both ways: doing everything I can to connect to God, or walking away. And in my experience, one feels a whole lot better than the other.
- Anna Beam: It hurts, Mommy. Don't you understand that it never stops hurting? It never stops.
- Christy Beam: Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I know it does. I know it does.
- Anna Beam: I want to die.
- Christy Beam: Annabel...
- Anna Beam: I want to go to heaven where there's no pain.
- Christy Beam: You know, baby, if you went to heaven, you... You wouldn't be with me and Daddy anymore and you would... You'd leave a hole in my heart.
- Anna Beam: I'm sorry, Mommy. I don't want to make you sad. I... I just want it to be over.
- Anna Beam: Why do you think God hasn't healed me?
- Christy Beam: There are so many things I don't know. But I know God loves you.
- [last lines]
- Christy Beam: [narrating] As you can see, we now live as if every day is a miracle. Because for us, it is.
- [first lines]
- Christy Beam: [narrating] When I was growin' up, people didn't really talk about miracles. I'm not sure I understood what they were or if I believed in them. A miracle is defined as something not explicable by natural or scientific laws. But then how do you explain it? How does it happen? Who or what is behind it?
- Doctor: Other than the possibility of a slight concussion, your daughter has no broken bones, complete movement of all her limbs. There's no internal bleeding, no indication of bruising. In fact, after hitting the ground skull first with dirt packed to the top of her head, she regained consciousness, woke up with a smile on her face. Oh, my God. Quite frankly, I've been a doctor for 25 years. Never seen anything like it.
- Anna Beam: [about her near-death experience] It's all right, Mom. Not everyone's gonna believe. And that's okay. They'll get there when they get there.
- Anna Beam: [about spilled drink] Sorry.
- Angela: For what? Being human? Don't mind him. He don't have kids, and he has no personality. You know, when you got kids, things get messy.
- Christy Beam: I have three.
- Angela: See? So, you know. You either roll with it or you get rolled on. You get rolled on, you get flat.
- [great big smile]
- Dr. Nurko: [handing Christy his Elmo tie] My patient's better and I have a wonderful feeling that this is good-bye.
- Pastor Scott: Kevin told me what those ladies said to you, and I... I have to say, I sure wish that I could give everybody a spiritual IQ test before they walk in the door.
- Adelynn Beam: It sucks being six.
- Abbie Beam: You should watch your mouth, Adelynn. You know, you could go to hell for swearing.
- Adelynn Beam: I'm not going to hell. Hell is in California.