Mon, Jan 19, 2015
Retired or long-disease-disabled police detectives Ludo Mannaert, Stan Van Riel and Max Cuypers join a cold cases division, with grumpy, middle-aged sidetracked commissioner Sara Roose. Their first case, without prior binding or even proper introductions, is the murder during the 1980s demonstrations against US nuclear missiles stationed on Belgian bases, of naive hippie Jeroen Marissen, outside one. He had been camping there with fellow left-wing students Gunter Daelmans and Mieke Roelofs (now married), Frank Ruiters and Claudia Tourenhout. The team soon realizes the corpse had been moved from inside, which seems a cover-up by the Belgian state security, whose agents Peter Rutten and Cor Verhaelen try several methods to avoid discovery of their former undercover among the student-protesters.
Mon, Jan 26, 2015
Stan Van Riel gets near-obsessed y the next clod case, which he failed to solve years ago, when primitive forensics simply didn't suffice. It's the disappearance of a mother and then small boy, now 18. The team finds not far away around that time, Rudi Borgerhoffs' family also disappeared, but that case was never taken seriously, let alone linked, which now proves the key.
Mon, Feb 2, 2015
Max Cuypers's personal friend, a social worker, recently discovered trough a jewelry craft workshop that the 'crystal' she found in a deceased man's home is actually a priceless red -very rare- diamond, which must stem from the theft of the century in Antwerp. The team finds links to Jewish jeweler Jacob Levi, who adopted the owner's daughter Maike, and to suspiciously rich diamond cutter Ronny Kempers and his naively-honest son-successor Bas, so a trap is attempted.
Mon, Feb 9, 2015
In a few days, justice will final release to car dealer Renaat Mertens the old-timer he claimed for seven years since his wife Natalie's fatal accident in it. Sara failed to solve the case but remains convinced he, who showed no interest in her, just the Déesse car, must have murdered her by unproven sabotage. The team digs into the case, also focusing on mysterious blackmail pictures showing Natalie having sex with a butt-tattooed stud, whom Stan 's ideas finally identify as kung fu-trained gigolo Lars Bertels, whose clients also included Natalie's best friends, principal Christine Van Hoof and Annick Adams.
Mon, Feb 16, 2015
Twenty years ago, terminal cancer patient Walter Gils's then teenage son, previously convicted for 'indecent exposure' (actually just urinating on the greens) committed suicide, accused of the murder of an even more talented junior member of their fancy golf club. Modern DNA analysis shows his innocence, so the team focuses on then club players and surviving board members.
Mon, Feb 23, 2015
Jos Nijs, their former PA, accuses ruthlessly ambitious retired TV cook Peggy Barendsen of having fatally poisoned, years ago, her asthmatic husband, Bertje, a gentle drunk and Jos's gay lover, an affair which lead to his dismissal only when it compromised her TV career. The autopsy ruled out murder, but boulevard magazine editor Jeroen Marissen gets the commissioner interested. The cold case team works out Bertje's medicine could have done the trick in large quantity and finds a link with Peggy's father.
Mon, Mar 9, 2015
Stan convinces the team that two recent sexually-abusive child-abductions near the waterhole where Hans Kastens escaped alive, unlike other victims years ago, may well be the work of the same serial rapist-murderer. The pond is near a similar one which oddly enough gets all the angling. Hypnosis on Hans only yields a description of the place he escaped from. Looking into the nearby angling scene, including champion Rutger Versnic's cutting-edge fish nursery and Robert Coninx's bait-shop, yield surprising potential motives and suspects.
Mon, Mar 16, 2015
When Stan Van Riel walks his dog in a large park, it digs up a human thigh bone. Before the lab reports it's a medieval Black Death victim, Isabelle, the widow of mobster Hellebuyck, calls the precinct to confess the murder in those woods of a certain Siran Darbinian. Despite daughter Laura's opposition, the team works out she paid henchman Ronny Janssens to kill her husband's mistress, an illegal whore. But that's not the whole story, and local Herman Verhaelen's own secret gets mixed in.
Mon, Mar 23, 2015
When Max has a séance to talk to his wife, the medium says he's only contacted by Bob Laermans's wife, who starved kidnapped and locked up in a shipping container for weeks. Her case remained unsolved, the only lead and most likely suspect being another medium, presumed a crook.