- Andrea Allen: [answering cellphone] Hey...
- Jodi Allen: [comes rushing down the stairs, phone in hand] Mom, I can prove it!
- Andrea Allen: Prove what, honey?
- Jodi Allen: That Nick stole my camera! Remember that call, there was nobody on the line? Well, I checked the phone records...
- [there's a knock on the door]
- Jodi Allen: Hold on.
- [checks, inhales sharply]
- Jodi Allen: Oh, my God, he's at the door!
- Andrea Allen: You don't have to open it. You want me to come home?
- Jodi Allen: Uhm...
- Andrea Allen: I will, if you want me to. In fact, honey, I'm just gonna come home, I'll be there in ten minutes.
- Jodi Allen: [insistent banging on door] No, it's okay. I'll - I'll just see what he wants.
- Andrea Allen: Jodi...
- Jodi Allen: Don't worry, I'll be all right.
- Nick Thompkin: [as Jodi opens door, dirty mechanic:] You call my house?
- [no answer]
- Nick Thompkin: Did you call me?
- Jodi Allen: Why did you steal my camera?
- Nick Thompkin: Because you were taking pictures of me, and you didn't ask me if you could.
- Jodi Allen: How did you get our house number?
- Nick Thompkin: The Internet.
- Jodi Allen: So you called our house, made me go inside to answer it, and hopped the fence and stole my camera?
- Nick Thompkin: [laughs, nods] That's right! You're good.
- Jodi Allen: And then you put it on the back porch and made me look like an idiot.
- Nick Thompkin: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't mean to make you look like an idiot. But if that happened, I'm gonna consider it a bonus.
- Jodi Allen: I'm gonna tell the cops what you did!
- Nick Thompkin: Wow! First Lisa, now you! Terrific! Go ahead and call the cops. And I'll show them the pictures you took of me.
- [whispers:]
- Nick Thompkin: Half-naked. Yeah, I downloaded your camera files onto my hard drive.
- Jodi Allen: [re the photograph] What do you think they are talking about?
- Kristen Chambers: I know exactly what they're talking about. Ted would hit on me, and Aunt Lisa didn't like it. Jodi, a lot of older guys hit on me, so what? If they arrested every older guy who tried to sleep with me, they'd have to start building more prisons.
- Jodi Allen: Yeah, but... look! I mean, he's, like, really mad at her.
- Kristen Chambers: Jodi, stop it!
- Jodi Allen: What?
- Kristen Chambers: Just because somebody gets into an argument with my aunt, doesn't make them a killer. What's it with you?
- Jodi Allen: Okay, well, who do you think it is...
- Kristen Chambers: I don't know! I'm still trying to get... past the fact that she's gone. And this cop tells me that she's been murdered, and that I'm a suspect. And then you go around accusing everyone in the neighborhood. Maybe you did it!