Cary Elwes credited as playing...
Dr. Richard Sommers
- Dr. Richard Sommers: [narrating from beyond the grave as a now demonic Edmon coaxes her child pupil Andre into her hellish loving embrace] Maybe children are more open to those worlds we cannot see to the ones we can... so there always those negative evil forces... that prevent us from becoming divine
- Dr. Richard Sommers: [describing dissociate behavior disorder] Basically people feel divorced from themselves... feelings... personality... emotions they don't belong to them... they belong to another. Like your in a dream watching a movie of someone else's life
- [last lines]
- Dr. Richard Sommers: [on seeing the entity above their bed] I knew it... I knew it from the very beginning... It was real
- [looks to his wife who is open mouthed paralyzed in fear]
- Dr. Richard Sommers: Don't be afraid
- [resigned to their fates]
- Dr. Richard Sommers: There's nothing we can do
- [shuts his eyes]
- Dr. Richard Sommers: Close your eyes dear... we will soon be together forever
- [said being drops onto them]