16 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 100The Hollywood ReporterDavid RooneyThe Hollywood ReporterDavid RooneyAn ultra-naturalistic slice of rocky adolescent life that combines violence and sensuality, wrenching loss and tender discovery.
- 100VarietyPeter DebrugeVarietyPeter DebrugeThis vibrant portrait feels like something of a revelation, which is remarkable, really, considering how many more films have tackled coming-of-age than the relatively niche experience of coming out.
- 90Screen DailyJonathan RomneyScreen DailyJonathan RomneyCo-scripted by Céline Sciamma, director of Water Lilies and Girlhood, Being 17 manifestly benefits from her insight into the problems of young people searching for their social and sexual identities; this, combined with Téchiné’s controlled vision and superb direction of actors, makes the new film a quietly potent proposition.
- 90The New York TimesStephen HoldenThe New York TimesStephen HoldenThe movie is not really about deciding whether you’re gay or straight — those terms are never spoken. It’s about the chemistry of two people at a moment in time.
- 88Slant MagazineDiego SemereneSlant MagazineDiego SemereneAndré Téchiné does justice to the closeness between repulsion and desire, difference and sameness, heterosexuality and homosexuality.
- 88RogerEbert.comGlenn KennyRogerEbert.comGlenn KennyThis isn’t a film that makes a big deal of its contemporary authenticity; it wears its carefully measured elements lightly, the better to shine a light on its intriguing characters.
- 85TheWrapDave WhiteTheWrapDave WhiteTéchiné intuitively favors movement over chatter, and he directs his young actors toward intimate, yearning performances.
- 75IndieWireDavid EhrlichIndieWireDavid EhrlichThe film’s hyper-naturalism is its raison d’etre, and Being 17 is at its best when it leans into that approach.
- 75The A.V. ClubIgnatiy VishnevetskyThe A.V. ClubIgnatiy VishnevetskyTéchiné has made one of his simplest and most elemental films, which is both Being 17’s most arresting feature and its weakness.