In most of the episodes, the shape of the Kanohi Vahi, the Mask of Time from the original Bionicle line, is hidden as an Easter Egg in the environments, either as a cloud, rocks, or as a shape in lava. Fans have long discussed their importance, and when a new version of the Vahi was revealed in the tie-in comics, fans speculated that the two Bionicle stories might be connected. However when the production bible got leaked through a Russian source, it came to light that there was no actual meaning behind the Vahi's random appearances beyond enticing speculation.
The simplified art style and character designs were meant to ensure that kids could watch the clips easily on the small screens of mobile devices.
The dialogue is told by the narrator, slightly changing his voice to fit each character. This has lead to some confusion among fans, as it means that Gali, the female Toa, also speaks in a male voice. In some foreign dubs, Gali was voiced by a female to avoid confusion. The first episode of the Netflix series Lego Bionicle: The Journey to One (2016) later confirmed the narrator hypothesis by revealing that this series is a campfire story told by the Protectors.
The first line of Tahu, suffering from amnesia, is "Where am I? Who am I?" This echoes his first thoughts from the first BIONICLE novel, BIONICLE Chronicles #1: Tale of the Toa.
Accompanying the web-series were two preview episodes, The Legend and Masks of Power. The former was first screened at the 2014 October New York Comic-Con, and the latter was also shown on television as a toy commercial.