The Marriage of Figaro: Duettino - Sull'aria is played in the movie and also in another prison blockbuster namely The Shawshank Redemption.
When Richie Archer enters the prison cell he pokes the poster of Raquel Welch with his finger and comments "shame it would have made it easier". This is a direct reference to the Shawshank Redemption, where the character Andy Dufrain escapes from prison through a hole hidden behind a poster of Raquel Welch.
Another nod to Shawshank is when Ritchie first goes into his cell, sees the Raquel Welch poster and looks behind it for a tunnel.
When Vic Farrow is talking to Richie, he says that's "he's no saint, not like you". Ian Ogilvy (Richie) played The Saint in The Return of The Saint (1978)