The advent of so called reality shows has tragically destroyed the number of quality programs/series but Gogglebox is the worst of the worst!
In the AUSTRALIAN version you have a group of people sitting uncomfortably and weirdly on couches desperately trying to be funny and FAILING dismally!
The entertainment value is below zero and the only people who enjoy watching people WATCH TV are those who are alone and friendless and probably imagine being in the room with them and pretending they have visitors.
I understand everyone has different tastes in shows and can even forgive people enjoying watching people watch tv IF the people on the show were funny and entertaining, BUT everyone on Gogglebox behaves fake and is obviously trying to be funny but are too boring to succeed.
These shows are cheap to produce, can be cancelled at any time and any money generated is a win for the producers because the costs are minimal. The producers count on morons liking these shows and aim the content towards them!
If we have any hope of regaining quality shows like dramas and comedies people MUST stop placating the producers of so called 'reality shows' and STOP WATCHING!