This show literally had the potential to stand among one of the greatest.i liked the concept.this is the story about a boy who want to change the world,bring peace and to create a country where every race people can live happily with each other and for that to happen he must form an alliance with other powerful nations and to create nation he must have to be the strongest and have a well source of wealth and friendly figures.indeed this show has one of the best animation there anyone can provide,all characters art style are beautiful and colourful.the artists are too good to be true.this story had a potential but they rushed this show too much.why too much rush?they should have take their time and bring their best to offer. But disappointly i dont see any hope for season 2 as it was getting good from there and i was so excited. Thanks creators for this series and those who are saying this series doesn't make any sense then go watch your pogo,one punch man,kaguya sama war is love the overrated ones.whine all the time that this is waste that is trash and can't do a single thing for yourselves. Go to hell.