Fifty Shades Uncovered is a shameless cash-in on the Fifty Shades film that came out in 2015. There's a fairly interesting history of how the novels became successful with various soundbites from people like Jenny Eclair (who mentions Fifty Shades during her stand up) and Katie Hopkins (for some reason).
I'm not sure where this film was screened. I don't think it was released to cinemas. I think it might have been made for TV. I saw it on Prime. It doesn't have a cinematic feel of many documentaries I've seen recently: e.g. 'Three Identical Strangers'. The weirdest things is the swearing was bleeped out on the version I saw. I'm not sure if this applies to all versions. Ironically the film has an 18 certificate and there are very mild reconstructions of people being whipped as well as frank discussions about sex toys, BDSM and a few other sexual topics like virginity.
The documentary is well made, but it's a bit on the dull side. I think the Fifty Shades story of rags to riches with EL James is well-documented and probably was by this film came out. The people being interviewed do not really tell you anything new. Really it needed EL James herself to be interviewed.
SUMMARY: I can't really recommend this documentary. It is fairly interesting and amusing, but it tells you nothing new. When I see a documentary I like to be told a story I didn't know or have my perceptions changed. For those interested in the topic of BDSM I recommend 'Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist'. For people interested in Fifty Shades read the books, watch the films and watch the rare interviews with EL James. Move along, nothing to see here.