I'm really surprised at the negative reception of the film, so went into this film expecting to turn it off after 10 minutes. However, given that the majority of raters probably also contributed to rating the awful borefest that is 'Gravity' a 7.8/10, I should've done what I normally do and completely ignored the ratings and most reviews.
'Hangman' is a genuinely disturbing film. For fans of 'real' horror (and by that I mean things that absolutely could happen, disregarding ghosts and evil spirits), then this is perfect. Almost everything that happens in the film could definitely happen to people, and in various ways probably does. Yes, slight artistic licence has of course been taken, but overall this film touches way too close to home.
The best comparison I can make is to the wonderful flick that was 'Creep' (2014), in that the main antagonist is a truly disturbed individual, yet undoubtedly fairly common in today's world and most definitely real. The film, although slow paced, burns consistently, and there aren't many dull moments.
The ending, just like the opening sequence, are shocking, and the brutal moments that punctuate the film are almost too much to watch - yet nothing is too far-fetched.
So, with that said, I would definitely recommend this film if you enjoy 'found footage' films in general, or are a fan of horrors where the events could - and probably do - happen.