Jamie Dornan credited as playing...
Christian Grey
- Anastasia Steele: [while they are in a supermarket, Christian is pushing the cart, looking uncomfortable] When's the last time you went shopping?
- Christian Grey: Houston. A week ago.
- Anastasia Steele: What'd you buy?
- Christian Grey: An airline.
- Anastasia Steele: Why didn't you tell me that?
- Christian Grey: I did. But you were asleep at the time.
- Anastasia Steele: Okay, well, um...
- [clears throat]
- Anastasia Steele: generally, a key part of good communication is that both parties be conscious.
- Christian Grey: I brought you here to negotiate.
- Anastasia Steele: You're open to new terms?
- Christian Grey: No rules, no punishments.
- Anastasia Steele: No rules, no punishments and no more secrets.
- Christian Grey: I can do that.
- Anastasia Steele: You wanna, what do you call it, "a vanilla relationship"?
- Christian Grey: I mean we only do what you're comfortable with.
- Anastasia Steele: But you need all those things.
- Christian Grey: I need you more.
- Anastasia Steele: I can't believe you just talked to him like that!
- Christian Grey: He wants what's mine.
- Anastasia Steele: What's yours? That's a little presumptuous!
- Anastasia Steele: What's this?
- Christian Grey: Okay, that's enough show-and-tell.
- Anastasia Steele: What's *this*?
- Christian Grey: Let's learn to walk before we run.
- Anastasia Steele: I kinda like running.
- Christian Grey: I hope you're not a sore loser.
- Anastasia Steele: That depends on how hard you spank me.
- Anastasia Steele: I'm scared.
- [looks up into his eyes]
- Anastasia Steele: I know you say that I'm enough. But there are certain things that you are used to getting that I will never ever, ever, be able to give you. And it might be fine for you right now, but...
- [Christian shakes his head]
- Anastasia Steele: what's gonna happen when you start needing them again?
- Christian Grey: I won't.
- Anastasia Steele: How do you know that? How can I believe you?
- Anastasia Steele: [entrance to his playroom] The door was, um, unlocked.
- Christian Grey: I'll have to talk to Mrs. Jones.
- Anastasia Steele: Does she come in here a lot? Does she, like... does she... does she... dust in here?
- Christian Grey: Anastasia...
- Anastasia Steele: It was you, wasn't it? You just went and
- [glances at her portraits]
- Anastasia Steele: bought all of these.
- Christian Grey: I don't like strangers gawking at you.
- Anastasia Steele: Why are you here?
- Christian Grey: For you.
- Anastasia Steele: Ugh.
- Christian Grey: Hey. Can we talk... somewhere private?
- Anastasia Steele: No.
- [shakes her head]
- Christian Grey: Look, I'm not very good at this.
- [shakes his head]
- Christian Grey: I've never had to... I've never wanted to try again.
- Anastasia Steele: [shakes her head] Christian, I don't... It's not a good idea.
- Christian Grey: Let's talk. Hey? Just talk, please? Have dinner with me.
- [she sighs]
- Anastasia Steele: [regards him long time, then nods] Okay, fine, I will have dinner with you. Because... I'm hungry. But we are only talking and that is it.
- Christian Grey: I told you to come straight here. I've had people out combing the streets, looking for you.
- Anastasia Steele: I'm sorry I don't always do as I'm told. Maybe you just really need someone who obeys every command.
- Christian Grey: [toast] To SIP's new fiction editor.
- Anastasia Steele: Acting fiction editor.
- Christian Grey: Till they find out how good you are.
- Anastasia Steele: Christian, did you have something to do with this?
- Christian Grey: No. Hey, it was all you.
- [she shakes her head]
- Christian Grey: What? You don't believe me?
- Anastasia Steele: I don't believe it myself.
- Christian Grey: I asked you a question last night.
- Anastasia Steele: About moving in with you?
- Christian Grey: Mm-hmm.
- Anastasia Steele: [sighs] I just think that I'm probably... I need to get some things from my apartment.
- Christian Grey: [soft chuckle] That can be arranged.
- Anastasia Steele: Good. Now, maybe we could... take this celebration home.
- Christian Grey: [to waiter] The check, please.
- Anastasia Steele: He's my boss, Christian,
- [shakes her head]
- Anastasia Steele: you gotta calm down.
- Christian Grey: Calm isn't really my forte.
- Christian Grey: [after they had passionate sex] Why do you think you waited? For sex?
- Anastasia Steele: Uhm. Mm. I was reading Austen... and Bronte, and nobody ever measured up to that. And I guess I was waiting for something exceptional. And then I met you.
- Christian Grey: Would Miss Austen...
- [gets into a position to performing very intimate oral sex]
- Christian Grey: approve of this?
- Anastasia Steele: [giggles] I was being romantic, and then you're just going to distract me with your kinky fuckery.
- Christian Grey: "Kinky fuckery"?
- Anastasia Steele: Mm-hmm.
- Christian Grey: I don't know what that is, but I like the sound of it.
- Christian Grey: [at the art gallery] Hello, Anastasia.
- Anastasia Steele: It was you, wasn't it? You bought all of these.
- Christian Grey: I don't like strangers gawking at you.
- [shakes his head]
- Anastasia Steele: Why are you here?
- Christian Grey: For you.
- Anastasia Steele: Guh.
- Christian Grey: Can we talk somewhere... private?
- Anastasia Steele: No.
- [shakes her head]
- Christian Grey: [makes toast] To SIP's new fiction editor.
- Anastasia Steele: [returns toast] *Acting* fiction editor.
- Christian Grey: Till they find out how good you are.
- [sips from glass]
- Anastasia Steele: Christian, did you have something to do with this?
- Christian Grey: No. Hey... it was all you.
- [she shakes her head]
- Christian Grey: But you don't believe me?
- Anastasia Steele: I don't believe it myself.
- Christian Grey: [changes subject] I asked you a question last night.
- Anastasia Steele: About moving in with you?
- Christian Grey: Mm-hmm.
- [nods]
- Anastasia Steele: [sighs] I just think that I'm probably... I need to get some things from my apartment.
- Christian Grey: [smiles] That can be arranged.
- Anastasia Steele: Good. And now, probably, we could take this celebration home.
- Christian Grey: [to waiter] Check, please.
- [leans in over table]
- Christian Grey: Take off your panties.
- [softly:]
- Christian Grey: Do it now.
- Anastasia Steele: Right in here?
- Christian Grey: Yeah. Do it now...!