Tzi Ma credited as playing...
- Hua Zhou: [to Mulan] Do you know why the phoenix sits on the right hand of the emperor? She is his guardian, his protector. And she is both beautiful and strong. Your job is to bring honor to the family. Do you think you can do that?
- The Chancellor: [to Hua Zhou; from official trailer] Have you no son?
- Hua Zhou: I am blessed with two daughters. *I* will fight.
- [last lines]
- Hua Zhou: [narrating] The green shoot has grown up to the sky... and her ancestors celebrate her in the vault of the heavens. The girl became a soldier. The soldier became a leader. And the leader... became a legend.
- [first lines]
- Hua Zhou: [narrating] There have been many tales of the great warrior, Mulan. But, ancestors, this one is mine. Here she is. A young shoot, all green... unaware of the blade. If you had such a daughter... her chi, the boundless energy of life itself... speaking through her every motion... could you tell her that only a son could wield chi? That a daughter would risk shame, dishonor, exile? Ancestors, I could not.