Board James (TV Series)
Lie Detector Game (2015)
James Rolfe: Board James
Board James : I think it's the taxi driver.
[turns slowly toward the camera]
Board James : Listen, you fuckers, you screw-heads.
[jump cut]
Board James : Listen, you fuckers, you screw-heads.
Fight Promoter : Hey, pal, do me a favor. Read the back of da box.
Board James : What?
Fight Promoter : Read the back of da box. Just do it!
Board James : Okay.
[picks up box]
Board James : "Here are the suspects. One of them is guilty of a murder. You start as a rookie..."
Fight Promoter : Guilty of what?
Board James : A murder, a crime, whatever.
Fight Promoter : So it's a moider den?
Board James : I guess. I dunno, I always thought it was a murder case. Who cares?
Fight Promoter : Everything's always gotta be a moider case wit you.
Fight Promoter : Let's cut to the chase. You killed your friends. You know it.
Board James : No, it was the phone! The Dream Phone!
Fight Promoter : I think you're da one dreamin', buddy. C'mon, a PINK PLASTIC PHONE from a LITTLE GIRL'S GAME?
Board James : Yes! That's what happened.
Fight Promoter : How does a PHONE pick up a knife?
Board James : I don't know, that's what was so fucking weird about it! I'm just trying to play a game!