- Roger Ebert [Sheila O'Malley]
- A Film Life [Ian Taylor, Sheila Taylor]
- A Sliver of Film [Chris Greenwood]
- Aisle Seat [Mike McGranaghan]
- An Opinion or Two [Keith Lawrence]
- Art TV [Astrick]
- Blu-ray [Brian Orndorf]
- Common Sense Media [Monique Jones]
- Digital Mafia Talkies (contains spoilers) [Divya Malladi]
- Digital Mafia Talkies [Pramit Chatterjee]
- Elements of Madness [Justin Waldman]
- Entertaining Movie [Anna]
- Film Carnage [Rebecca Cherry]
- Film Festival Today [Christopher Llewellyn Reed]
- Film Focus Magazine [Jacob Richardson]
- Film Pulse [Chris Luciantonio]
- Filmhounds Magazine [Tayler Finnegan]
- Hollywood Gossip [Lily Smith]
- Keith Loves Movies [Keith Noakes]
- Last One to Leave the Theatre [Michael McKinney]
- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Movie Crumbs [Wyatt Bywater]
- Movie Reviews 101 [Darren Lucas]
- Movie Steve [Steve Morrissey]
- Nights and Weekends [Kristin Dreyer Kramer]
- Overly Honest Movie Reviews [Chris Jones]
- Peggy at the Movies [Peggy Marie]
- Showbiz Cheat Sheet [Jeff Nelson]
- Switch. [Chris Dos Santos]
- The Guardian [Peter Bradshaw]
- The MN Movie Man [Joe Botten]
- The NYC Movie Guru [Avi Offer]
- The Reel Bits [Richard Gray]
- The Wrap [Dan Callahan]
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