Greg Kriek credited as playing...
Henry Williamson
- Henry Williamson: [wakes up in the dark] Hello? Hello? Doc?
- [distant sounds of people screaming, crashing noises]
- Henry Williamson: Sorry, the lights are off. Hello? I think I'm supposed to be asleep. I-I can't move my legs!
- [screams get louder]
- Henry Williamson: Hello? I can't move my body! What's happening? Hello? Hello!
- Laurian: Henry, where are you?
- Henry Williamson: I'm in the hospital where you left me. When're you getting here?
- Laurian: I don't knjow, everything's quarantined: the city, the airport, the buses, the roads.
- Henry Williamson: When are you getting here?
- Laurian: I'm not getting there! They're taking us to some rural airport.
- Henry Williamson: [hears beeping] What's that?
- Sunet: Someone's alive.
- Henry Williamson: What?
- Sunet: Room G8. Someone just pressed the 'call for assistance' button in G8.
- Henry Williamson: Wait, you're not going back up there.
- Sunet: They need our help.
- Henry Williamson: No, Sunet, you're not going back up there.
- Sunet: We never leave someone behind!
- Henry Williamson: There's been a horrible mistake, okay? I was booked in this morning to have my appendix taken out, I mean I woke up and nothing has happened.
- Siseko: Unfortunately we've got only one doctor on call today.
- Henry Williamson: What the hell is going on?
- Siseko: A situation called for his attention.
- Henry Williamson: What do you mean situation?
- Henry Williamson: [after being left in the dark for 8 hours] I can't feel my legs. I can't move my body.
- Sunet: You didn't fall asleep?
- Henry Williamson: I've been awake the whole time.
- Sunet: [touches his foot] Can you feel this?
- Henry Williamson: Yeah, slightly.
- Sunet: Your touch sensitive is coming back, you'll be walking soon. Just wait.
- [turns and leaves room]
- Henry Williamson: Hey, where're you going? Nurse, nurse, wait!
- Sunet: [returns with a wheelchair] My name is Sunet, and I'm a doctor.
- Siseko: [he and Vincent hover over Henry after knocking him out] You are in the middle of nowhere. Do you think you can get to the convoy by yourself? Hmm? Don't ever lie to me again, understand?
- Henry Williamson: Yeah.
- Siseko: Come, let's go.