- Village Voice [Nick Schager]
- A Potpourri of Vestiges [Arun Kumar]
- Abus de Ciné [Guillaume Gas]
- French
- AntepenúltimoMohicano - Cannes 2016 [Alberto Sáez]
- Spanish
- Asian Movie Pulse [Panos Kotzathanasis]
- At Filmnomenon [Eternality Tan]
- Borrowing Tape [Katherine Maheux]
- Cinephilia.Gr [Dimitris Bampas]
- Greek
- ColourlessOpinions.com [Tony Teh]
- Compuserve Film [Harvey Karten]
- Daily Movies [Louis Rossier] (Swiss French)
- El antepenúltimo mohicano [Daniel Gasco]
- Spanish
- Film-Forward.com [Christopher Bourne]
- Filmexplorer.ch [Giuseppe Di Salvatore]
- Filmstarts.de [Michael Meyns]
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- HK and Cult Film News [Porfle]
- kino-zeit.de [Joachim Kurz]
- German
- LinkinMovies.it [Adriana Rosati]
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- Mauxa [Giovanni Menicocci] (Italy)
- Movies Ltd. [Theodor Giachoustidis]
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- myFILM.gr (Aggelos Polydoros)
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- mümkünmertebe [Numan Serteli]
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- Notes on Films [realini]
- OutNow.ch [Christoph Schelb]
- German
- Prisonmovies.net [Eric Penumbra]
- Quinlan.it [Alessandro Aniballi]
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- Schneeland [Michael Schleeh]
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- Screen Anarchy [Eric Ortiz García]
- Slant Magazine [Chuck Bowen]
- South China Morning Post [James Mottram]
- The Hollywood News [Paul Heath]
- The NYC Movie Guru [Avi Offer]
- The Storyboard [Allan Koay]
- The Upcoming [Jasmin Valjas]
- Webs of Significance [YTSL]
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