26 reviews
One of the most boring movies I have watched. The story, the plot and the characters, nothing is special about it. Maybe the first few minutes where you see cars crashing suddenly and people disappearing, you can get excited, but after that it is not up to the expectations. The movie has some glitches and could have been written better. Finally, the whole idea of the movie doesn't really make sense.
- waelabboud-74845
- Mar 8, 2017
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The message of course was good. But it really was not a good movie. The writing wasn't good, it just had no impact. Personally, I prefer the left behind series with Kurt Cameron. The movie with Nicolas Cage was OK too.
- clairamarie
- Jun 14, 2019
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I think I'm being still kind with the 3 points I'm giving this. Overall this was quite the dragging watching experience. I assume the actors tried their best and they might actually be better than what we see of them here. But the movie really did not help elevate them and vice versa.
There is some theological aspect to (big one actually) and then there is also an ending that suggests there was more planned. I don't need a sequel to this, but even so, this left me more unsatisfied than the rest did already ... Predictable and weak after an interesting start, that seemed chaotic and unique
There is some theological aspect to (big one actually) and then there is also an ending that suggests there was more planned. I don't need a sequel to this, but even so, this left me more unsatisfied than the rest did already ... Predictable and weak after an interesting start, that seemed chaotic and unique
- ahorgan100
- Nov 26, 2016
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I'm not quite sure why this version was made in the first place, there's nothing new no novel "revelations" 4400 and TAKEN are light years ahead in terms of production values, writing and acting (same basic story without pretending there's any truth in it) If you're looking for actual miracles this film makes Left Behind 2000 almost watchable in comparison. I wouldn't want to write off the young actors on a single viewing as the script is truly terrible and I doubt Streep, Oldman or DiNero could have rung anything out of it. Maybe they can put this behind them dust themselves down and start again. I understand that I'm not the target audience for this film and it is in fact thinly veiled propaganda, But that's no reason to make a bad film
- titchyblackmore
- Nov 28, 2016
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Although I don't agree with the premise of the theology of this film, I thought it was well made for what it was and an entertaining story. I understand that some people who don't believe in God will come up with stuff about how terrible it is because they don't get it, but if you are willing to watch it without that kind of bias, you might get into the story and think it is worth your time somewhat, in spite of the main story line being representative of an American made theology.
- rkevinwilliams
- Aug 27, 2017
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- SnoopyDogDog
- Jul 17, 2017
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The bar was six feet under and they still grabbed a shovel to dig deeper.
Movies like this just show that evangelical Christians have remarkably low standards for their movies. Objectively, this was bad. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. There was no getting to know the characters. You couldn't care when they lost people they cared about. Since this was based on the kids' series, there was literally no need for a love triangle. Also, why not just?? Use the original characters?? Especially when your dad created the series?? But at least we know that Randy LaHaye was a big Mark/Vicki shipper.
This movie wasn't a Left Behind movie. It barely addressed the Rapture. Barely talked about Christianity. It was a movie about cults, which is really ironic because a church that distributed flash drives with their pastor explaining the Rapture would be viewed as a cult.
Before Christians come at me, I am also a Christian. I just wish more Christian filmmakers (in fact, I wish all of them) treated movies and tv as the art form that it is. Get storytellers to tell stories. It's not God-honoring to put out bad movies that are so bad that everyone makes fun of Christian movies.
It's very interesting to me that two sons of both the Left Behind writers created Christian entertainment. Dallas Jenkins created The Chosen, which is actually good and well-done and every character has a personality. Randy LaHaye made...this. But it's a win for the Mark/Vicki shippers!! Even though it doesn't seem very welcome most of the time.
Movies like this just show that evangelical Christians have remarkably low standards for their movies. Objectively, this was bad. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. There was no getting to know the characters. You couldn't care when they lost people they cared about. Since this was based on the kids' series, there was literally no need for a love triangle. Also, why not just?? Use the original characters?? Especially when your dad created the series?? But at least we know that Randy LaHaye was a big Mark/Vicki shipper.
This movie wasn't a Left Behind movie. It barely addressed the Rapture. Barely talked about Christianity. It was a movie about cults, which is really ironic because a church that distributed flash drives with their pastor explaining the Rapture would be viewed as a cult.
Before Christians come at me, I am also a Christian. I just wish more Christian filmmakers (in fact, I wish all of them) treated movies and tv as the art form that it is. Get storytellers to tell stories. It's not God-honoring to put out bad movies that are so bad that everyone makes fun of Christian movies.
It's very interesting to me that two sons of both the Left Behind writers created Christian entertainment. Dallas Jenkins created The Chosen, which is actually good and well-done and every character has a personality. Randy LaHaye made...this. But it's a win for the Mark/Vicki shippers!! Even though it doesn't seem very welcome most of the time.
- clkeck-28324
- Sep 9, 2023
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Another sickening christian movie aimed at instilling fear into people. This film especially is a pathetic attempt at terrorizing children. Something very disturbing about religions who rule by fear and start brainwashing children with that fear.
A part from that, poor timeline transitions in the film. Unrealistic, religious brainwashing effect and they make non religious people look evil. Christians...seriously if they want to go to their belief, build space ships and ship them off planet. Anything to stop them making bad movies.
I will acknowledge that they did have some decent actors.
A part from that, poor timeline transitions in the film. Unrealistic, religious brainwashing effect and they make non religious people look evil. Christians...seriously if they want to go to their belief, build space ships and ship them off planet. Anything to stop them making bad movies.
I will acknowledge that they did have some decent actors.
- mae-912-80561
- May 19, 2019
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For those who complain about it being to Christian hello it explains what it is about from the start. My thought is that it's not Christian enough. Just a movie I could sit and watch with my younger daughter and not have to turn the channel or etc... that being said it was better than the Nicolas Cage 2000 movie
Better film quality than Kurt's Left Behing Movies but story line needed more ...
- single_in_in
- Nov 9, 2021
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Yes this film is better than the Left Behind reboot starting Nicolas Cage disaster but just barely. Obviously for a younger audience but I pity the kids who may have to watch this poorly written and sadly acted story. Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review Richard Scheib posted here in the exterior reviews seems to say it best; " The major problem with the film is not even anything to do with it as a work of evangelical propaganda but that it is simply not very interesting. It is shot with a professionalism but looks B-budget, particularly in its unimaginative horizons." If this is as it appears a reboot of the "LaHaye" series my only hope is that it goes the way of the first Cage reboot attempt.
This was a wonderful movie from The Left Behind group. I really hope they have a sequel sometime in 2019 as this was released in 2016. It really touched my heart and I really have got attached to the main characters. I want to see where Gabby, Claire,Flynn, and Josh end up now that Nicolae Carpathia is on the scene. Please make a sequel and RIP Tim LaLayne.
- brittanylcarter-06292
- Jan 12, 2019
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End times movies can seem really melodramatic (because when the rapture happens, the world WILL devolve into pure chaos), but this one, from a cinematic standpoint, was definitely better than most. The acting was pretty good (except for a really weird line here and there), and the stakes and tensions were high. I do ish there'd been a bit more theology, but I think the point of these movies is to warn people before it's too late, and by the end of the film, you could see how it connects to the other Left Behind books/movies.
- martin-beks
- Aug 9, 2022
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It's not a bad movie for a Christian movie it's kinda easy to understand for parents to be able to talk about the second coming of Jesus Christ for one alot of people may not understand but one day it will happen the Lord Jesus Christ will come like a thief in the night to take all who believed in him to heaven and those who were left behind will be deceived the Bible says even the elect will believe the lie it's what all Christian believe and have been waiting for since the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Bible says when Jesus was lifted up to the sky he will come back the same to be with him.
- spikesechrist
- Nov 7, 2022
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I don't believe that Christian films are rated fairly. This movie is about the Rapture of the church(the snatching away/changed in a twinkling of an eye) for the real bride of JESUS CHRIST. If you're not a child of GOD, by the blood of JESUS CHRIST, you would not understand this movie or the Rapture. I believe that the writers did a great job!
- maheushellie
- Jul 2, 2020
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Its obviously working on a very low budget yet still it was well done. One issue I have with the writing though is there are WAY too many people that were taken. As a society there aren't that many believers! This is a very difficult topic to undertake and I thought they did an admirable job. The acting was realistic and the directing wasn't distracting. If it was me I wouldn't have had both young males with such chiseled features. This is a very rare feature in men so finding two together in any situation is ridiculously unrealistic. Consider it a gift for the female audience.
Now just imagine if this is true and is going to happen. Are you ready? Talk about prepping. This is the ultimate prepping project. It starts with, "Hello Jesus".
Now just imagine if this is true and is going to happen. Are you ready? Talk about prepping. This is the ultimate prepping project. It starts with, "Hello Jesus".
After watching both films of Left Behind, I would conclude that this most recent film was spot on. I really enjoyed the movie and liked the use of a younger casting group. I felt that the film had more of a connection towards the younger viewers, as I am one myself. Although, the film is a bit amateur, it is acceptable for my taste. The sci-fi effects are not the best, but the message of the movie is which is most important. The Christian faith expressed in the movie was really nice. Jesus is calling for his believers. This film is Excellent, and I am content with what I have watched!! Also the movie "I'm Not Ashamed" is really great too, and very inspiring!
LOved this movie as it is a continuation of the Left Behind Series by Tim Lahaye, and was made by his son....Movie does a good job of showing what the world will be like when "the believers" are taken and all the rest are left behind to try and understand God...and what is is to be a believer and face an insecure future. Great for ages teen to 20 somethings as that is age group movie is focused on relating to...as the original Left Behind movies are now quite old...This new fresh approach is a great one for your kids, grand children, and I loved it as well! Good for understanding what is happening in our world today and what it means to be "Left Behind" and why that is important!
- melodyasher
- Apr 7, 2017
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Stumbled on this by accident. I thought it was going to be another low budget poorly done attemp at the Left Behind series. The acting was excellent, the story was great, the production quality very good. A more realistic depiction than the adult series. I only hope it continues. I read the Left Behind series but this makes me want to read the young adult series that this is based on. If thw quality can be reproduced it would make a great tv miniseries. I think that might be more successful than a movie. The four main characters are attractive and likeable. I hope they are in any sequels......
- jeffmazza-73200
- Oct 22, 2023
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Excellent movie!!!! I believe that Christian films are not rated fairly. This was an excellent film on the Rapture of the CHURCH, the real bride of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!
I have found a lot (especially in IMDB) that most Christian films are not ever rated fairly. The film makers did an excellent job of depicting a VERY real and expected event to happen in the very very near future. The word Rapture is not mentioned in the Bible, but it's a word that's used in short for the "catching away" and "changed in a twinkling of an eye" which we are told of from GOD'S WORD, but an unbeliever would not understand about it, nor would someone who has not been taught about it in church.
- maheushellie
- Jul 2, 2020
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Despite low reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, IMBD, I really enjoyed the movie. Honestly the film left me wanting more. The 88 minute movie was so well put together, great casting, great camera direction, script was overall very good. Even tho it's been Seven years, I believe there is potential to get the cast returned for a Sequel. The Layout and material that is out there from the book series should translate to a FILM SERIES. If you keep the Directors, producers and cast, there is a great potential for this team to improve the Christian Young Adult/ Teen Film industry and catch on the Train/ Trend, of great Christian Movies recently being released. As in, Jesus Revolution, Big George Foreman, Sound of Freedom. This is the day and age God is using The Film industry to reach people!
- andrewfallis
- Oct 25, 2023
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I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw No Rotten tomatoes review and only a 3.6/10 on IMDB, but I found this to be an adventurous movie with cast that have growing reputations. Well worth the watch
- devils_neighbor_667
- Jul 17, 2020
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This was a really good movie and thought provoking, cast was great and thoroughly enjoyed the storyline. They should make this into a series.
- ronwoolley
- Oct 9, 2021
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