I don't know, but after watching this particular episode in the SSD series Mrs. Shullivan and I thought it was okay but not as well written as other episodes. First of all, this episode does not take place in Paris as the title would have you believe. The gist is that Oliver's estranged wife Holly (Poppy Montgomery) who was last heard of living the bohemian lifestyle in Paris France decides to come home to "visit" with Oliver but not to live with him. Duhhhh????
In the meantime while in the process of doing his job by delivering lost letters Oliver and Shane's latest assignment has them having to deliver two year old divorce papers to a woman who seems to be very happily still married to her husband who sent the (lost) letter.
At the same time a lost letter that Oliver himself had put in the mail some time ago on a very rainy evening which he addressed to his wife in Paris, France had made it back to the Lost Letter department and with Shane's coaxing Rita opened the letter and the two women read parts of the letter and put it aside when Oliver and Norman came back in the office which leads to a couple of compromising positions.
This was a convoluted story which has lots of romantic sizzle but no steak. I could only rate it a 5 out of 10 IMDB rating.