LA ENTIDAD AKA THE ENTITY is a Peruvian entry into the found footage genre, a story about a group of students pursuing a film project for school who are unexpectedly pulled into the ambit of an ancient demonic curse.
This kind of story has been told by now countless times in found footage movies, but the angle of the protagonists wanting to make a film about reaction videos is new. In one scene at the beginning, they show a reaction video of severely distraught audience members without showing what they are watching. I thought to myself what might induce such a strong emotional reaction, and to the movie's credit, it actually delivers on giving a convincing explanation by the end.
Beside this, the strongest aspect of this film is the atmospheric footage of the cemetery, thanks to its exquisitely creepy architecture. It made me realize that if a horror movie features such a location, great care should be taken in selecting a good one: not all cemeteries are equally well suited for horror!
Unfortunately, the movie is dragged down by the generic nature of the story and the nonsensical explanation provided. Many scenes reminded me of previous and better horror movies, curiously all of them older, such as THE EXORCIST (1973), SALEM'S LOT (1979), THE FOG (1980), and THE RING (2005).
There is some social commentary buried in the movie concerning Peru's history and religion, but not much is made with it. For example, the story origin practically begs for at least one non-christian character in order for the film to explore the scope of the curse, but apparently Peruvians are all Catholic.
There is a twist, but it is telegraphed early and it really doesn't add up: if it is taken seriously, then the ex should not have any exes!
The special effects were not great but not bad either; the movie had potential but failed to realize it, mainly due to an unimaginative screenplay.