Several overhead shots show characters walking in a building with Penrose (aperiodic) tiling. This means using very few shapes (between two and four), the tile can infinitely produce similar, yet never repeating, patterns. This is probably a reference to the software created by the main character that allows for infinite and realistic experiences.
The movie was filmed over five weeks in Perth, Australia.
Very loosely based on the novel Solitaire, written by Kelley Eskridge.
The security firm from which Ren takes a jacket is named "DMT Security".
DMT is short for N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, a short-acting and extremely powerful psychedelic whose effects at a breakthrough dose include loss of contact with the user's surroundings and inner mystical experiences than can appear "more real than reality".
The movie's plot shares many elements in common with the 1996 episode of the syndicated TV show The Outer Limits (1995) titled The Sentence (1996) starring David Hyde Pierce where both main characters find themselves serving out a "condensed" prison sentence that somehow goes awry.