Edward X Young , whose Talents are Positively Prolific , Powerfully Embodies the Most Miserable & Mean Clown in the Universe .... 'Dale' , who's as UnFunny as he is Belligerent ; & his only Hobbies are Drinking & Torturing his GirlFriends Son 'Larry' . The meek & terrified Young Larry is portrayed , with a Top-Notch Performance , by Chase Bolnick . Dale's Girlfriend & Larry's Mother 'Lyla' is Deftly Played by Lovely , Shapely , & Talented Lisa Deane !
There's a SuperNatural Element to Blood-Soaked Tale ; & it involves "Dale' as a Puppet-Master to the Now Grown Larry , who's More than Ably Manned by the Writer & Director Pete Jacelone ! Now the FUN? Begins !
The Star of this CreepFest is the Beautiful Heather Drew as 'Peyton' , a StreetWise Young Prostitute , But a Loving & Compassionate Sister & Friend to her Homies . Daylan Ludemann Plays Her Devoted Lover 'Conner' ; & the two of them have a Kung-Fu Video-Gamelike ShowDown with that Malicious Clown .
Which brings me to the Most Vile Character in the Tale ..... The Revolting Gangster Pimp 'Diablo' , portrayed with Relish by the Diminutive Talent-Laden John Link .... & Diablo's sort of a Miguelito Loveless on Heroin ! Outstanding Performance , Mr. Link !
I was Lucky enough to View this Memorable Fright Inducing Horror Flik : & I don't know when this Film will become available to the Public or where You can See &/Or Rent or Purchase It ; But if You do Find It ? Snatch it Right Up ! I Sure Will !