6 reviews
- nogodnomasters
- Mar 27, 2018
- Permalink
I never thought 1 1/2 hours could seem so endless. I'm no prude but the constant F bombs got tiresome. If you enjoy a movie set in one location, mediocre acting, blood and gore with seemingly endless torture, this might be the movie for you
- lovethesun
- Aug 23, 2020
- Permalink
Probably the least enjoyable film of this genre I've ever had to endure. The lead character is such an annoying creep, and the way he acts and talks while being beaten/tortured defies reason. Truly one of the worst written and ineptly directed load of manure ever put on screen. Dialogue? Laughable. Acting? Awful. It was so ridiculous I thought that if I started viewing it as a parody of more competently made films I might extract some enjoyment out of it. But no, it failed pathetically. Goes nowhere. Accomplished nothing. There's far better films out there along these lines that won't make you want to smash your own television set. I don't understand why a smug and completely useless person as a main character is put in the position to act as the victim to avenge wrongs done to HIM. It's inconceivable. Never has a film made so little sense and gone out of it's way to make you detest every character involved. It's F this and F you and he calls everyone Buddy for some reason. And the overuse of the word Baby is beyond stupid. If a writer can't come up with any more original word than that just give it up and try another career. I love sick torture movies when done with brains and ingenuity, not with a hokey made for TV vibe that makes you cringe with every scene. And if you're hoping for some sort of satisfaction with a good ending with a twist you will be sadly disappointed. I can't say enough bad things about this lousy mess. There's more tension in an episode of The Simpsons.
- mcjensen-05924
- Nov 13, 2020
- Permalink
Agenda: Payback is a joy to watch, especially if you're a fan of revenge thrillers. Sean Patrick Flanery's Steve Walsh is a witty film producer who has rubbed one too many people the wrong way. He's kidnapped and beaten by Eric Belfour's Peter, who is offering people an opportunity to exact torturous revenge on Steve for money. Based on the premise, one could expect it to be a strong meditation on anger begetting anger, but Agenda: Payback is much more. Between the action-packed story, witty dialogue, innovative editing, and powerful performance by Flanery, Agenda: Payback is a fun watch for anyone looking for an hour-and-a-half of high-octane thrills.
- zcorona-27830
- Mar 5, 2018
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- ianjlevinson
- Mar 1, 2018
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