Fri, Jan 26, 2018
When Llama Llama is picked to judge a fun snow sculpture contest for kids during a town Winter Festival he has a tough time choosing one friend over another. Then he comes up with a creative solution. / Llama Llama and his classmates have fun with the challenge of keeping their Secret Santa secret.
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
It's the first day of Spring and Llama Llama is excited! But he has over-promised to over-help two friends. Llama Llama comes up with a creative solution. / Llama Llama feels left out as all his friends are busy with other plans. He plays with Mama and Fuzzy, but starts to feel sorry for himself. Then, he finds out what his friends were so busy with all day - planning a surprise party for him!
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
On a very hot, humid day Llama Llama is motivated to open a lemonade stand. But the customers just don't come. Then his best friends come in with ideas and enthusiasm to help Llama Llama into a fun success! / Using a fun, inclusive plan, Llama Llama helps his friend Luna overcome stage fright so she can dance in her first solo recital.
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
Llama Llama has his first sleepover with friends, and he, Euclid, and Gilroy bond over strange noises, shadows, food, and a not-so scary monster. / Llama Llama and friends are to clean up an older Neighbor's yard that is overgrown and "creepy." The kids imagine the Neighbor is creepy as well. They find out differently.
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
Llama Llama is discouraged that his kickball abilities are not nearly as good as his friends. But words from Mama Llama lead him to use his special skill as he helps coach the kickball team against a team of adults. / Nelly is very jealous of the attention her younger baby brother, Newman, gets from everyone. In the end, Nelly saves Newman, he clings to her, and she sees the joy of a sibling.
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
Llama Llama and his friends each have long wish-lists of things they want to do on Halloween. They end up compromising, shortening their lists, and end up having a great Halloween... including a surprise Hayride! / Llama Llama rallies his friends, Mama, grandparents, and townsfolk to clean up the park Pond in order for them to have their annual Boat Float!
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
Llama Llama's friends are planning a Beach Day. Llama Llama really is afraid of going into the water. Mama and his friends give Llama Llama swimming lessons. / Llama Llama wants to do something for Mother's Day. He gets ideas from his friends, then tries to follow Mama to see what she really wants. In the end, he learns Mama's happiest just being with Llama Llama, no matter what they do.
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
Llama Llama and Nelly Gnu get a babysitter for the day - a teenager named Molly Badger. The kids have a blast with their babysitter but end up helping the her more than expected. / Llama Llama and his friends are each paired with a grownup at their job. Luna is nervous about being paired with Officer Flamingo, but then really starts to enjoy it and master the job.
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
Llama Llama and his class get a chance to read to a group of younger kids. The joy of reading is spread, just like Mama has to Llama, and her parents did for her. / Valentine's Day is coming and Llama Llama and friends are all making their own, creative gifts for their friends. The friends try to help Gilroy, but in the end he makes something unique and creative in his own voice.