Glenn Fleshler credited as playing...
Conrad Hanley
- Conrad Hanley: They're keeping the body for now, which gives us some leverage. You think she's one of 'em?
- Jake Al-Shadi: No. No way.
- Conrad Hanley: You can't go by looks. A lot of religious nut jobs seem perfectly normal; my first wife.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Next paycheck says she's no cult member.
- Conrad Hanley: How about her brother? Paycheck on him not being a loony?
- Jake Al-Shadi: Nope. No bets on the brother, but she doesn't know anything.
- Conrad Hanley: All right. When's her flight?
- Jake Al-Shadi: Tomorrow morning.
- Conrad Hanley: Take her to her brother's hotel. Show her his room. Maybe something will click.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Any luck with getting the, uh, Jordanians to release the body?
- Conrad Hanley: Jake, that's us. We asked them not to release it.
- Jake Al-Shadi: What?
- Conrad Hanley: Plan B. Mothers wants her here a few more days.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Why? I just spent the evening telling...
- Conrad Hanley: He's the only one we've been able to ID. Now he's here. Let's see who else crawls out of the woodwork.
- Jake Al-Shadi: She doesn't know where the scroll is.
- Conrad Hanley: Well, the crazies don't know that. And frankly, Jake, neither do you.
- Jake Al-Shadi: What am I supposed to say to her, huh? "Actually, Dr. Rozman, stick around. We'd like to use you as bait."
- Conrad Hanley: Well... make it a little more charming.