Raza Jaffrey credited as playing...
Jake Al-Shadi
- Jake Al-Shadi: [lost in the desert] Come on, change of plan. We're walking.
- Rachel Rozman: Where are we headed?
- Jake Al-Shadi: I'm Bedouin. I can get us out.
- Rachel Rozman: With what, your Bedouin radar?
- Jake Al-Shadi: My birth name is Yakub Al-Shadi. My grandfather lived in a tent. It's in my blood.
- Rachel Rozman: Jake, you were raised in Ohio.
- Jake Al-Shadi: I came back in the summers.
- Rachel Rozman: For what? For Bedouin camp? You have a desk job. You weren't even able to get us out of that market today without a GPS.
- Jake Al-Shadi: I'm gonna get us out of here. I promise. We'll find some Bedouins or some camels.
- Rachel Rozman: What do you have against him, anyway?
- Jake Al-Shadi: I don't like his beard.
- Rachel Rozman: Well, he was my brother's friend, so I trust him.
- Jake Al-Shadi: You know, if it wasn't for Beltran, we wouldn't be here right now.
- Rachel Rozman: Jake, if you knew your way around Amman, we wouldn't have ended up getting in the wrong car.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Wait, I only got in that car because of you.
- Rachel Rozman: And I was trying to save our asses, which I swear is your job.
- Jake Al-Shadi: If it wasn't for me, we'd still be wandering around the desert!
- Rachel Rozman: And if wasn't for me, you'd still be tied up to a pole in the bunker!
- Jake Al-Shadi: Yeah, getting punched by some guy trying to protect you!
- Rachel Rozman: What about the car chase?
- Jake Al-Shadi: What about the car chase?
- Rachel Rozman: Fine. You know what? You don't want Beltran around, I'll go see Fawaz Azzam on my own. I don't need you.
- Jake Al-Shadi: [stranded in the desert] I spy with my little eye something beginning with "S".
- Rachel Rozman: [unenthused] Sand.
- Lisbeth: Jesus believed the world would come to an end in his lifetime.
- Jake Al-Shadi: I've never had the pleasure of meeting you nutjobs. Now stop the car. I work for the government.
- Lisbeth: And we work for higher power.
- Conrad Hanley: They're keeping the body for now, which gives us some leverage. You think she's one of 'em?
- Jake Al-Shadi: No. No way.
- Conrad Hanley: You can't go by looks. A lot of religious nut jobs seem perfectly normal; my first wife.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Next paycheck says she's no cult member.
- Conrad Hanley: How about her brother? Paycheck on him not being a loony?
- Jake Al-Shadi: Nope. No bets on the brother, but she doesn't know anything.
- Conrad Hanley: All right. When's her flight?
- Jake Al-Shadi: Tomorrow morning.
- Conrad Hanley: Take her to her brother's hotel. Show her his room. Maybe something will click.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Hey, look what I found. An invitation to an event last week, University of Jordan.
- Rachel Rozman: You read Arabic?
- Jake Al-Shadi: It's in English on the back.
- Rachel Rozman: I bet you there's a list for the fundraiser, and that woman's name is gonna be on it.
- Jake Al-Shadi: I'm guessing lonely nights... watching Sherlock Holmes on TV with ice cream and flannel PJs.
- Rachel Rozman: First of all, nobody wears flannel in Los Angeles. And secondly, a lot can be gleaned from watching Sherlock Holmes. Can you get us a list?
- Jake Al-Shadi: No.
- Rachel Rozman: Why not?
- Rachel Rozman: I wanna stay at David's hotel.
- Jake Al-Shadi: No.
- Rachel Rozman: Please! Please, I can feel him there, and after tomorrow he's gonna gone, and maybe you can't understand that...
- Jake Al-Shadi: No!
- [cut to the hotel lobby]
- Jake Al-Shadi: We're not here in an official capacity.
- Hotel Clerk: I'm sorry, there are no rooms available.
- Rachel Rozman: [offering him a 20 dinar bill] Um... we just need a place to stay. For one night.
- Hotel Clerk: Queen-size bed?
- Rachel Rozman, Jake Al-Shadi: Two rooms.
- Rachel Rozman: You sure you don't want any dessert?
- Jake Al-Shadi: No. No, no. I don't. I have a dessert rule; twice a week, that's it. Already met it.
- Rachel Rozman: It's only Tuesday.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Now I don't have to think about it for the rest of the week. Is that lame?
- Rachel Rozman: No, it's fine.
- Rachel Rozman: They're holding his body hostage?
- Jake Al-Shadi: It's a criminal investigation. Governments get touchy when the U.S. starts meddling in their affairs of state. It's also a tactic; they're trying to put pressure on you.
- Rachel Rozman: Why? Wh... what do they think I know?
- Jake Al-Shadi: A name, a number, an address. What the carving on his arm means. They're looking for anything.
- Rachel Rozman: [considering] He needed money.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Okay, good. That's something. Money for what?
- [seeing her reluctance to say]
- Jake Al-Shadi: Rachel, did David say why he needed money?
- Rachel Rozman: He always needed money. He just... he wasn't very good at being a grown-up.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Well, did he say why this time?
- Rachel Rozman: He just said that things got weird, and he needed to get out of Jordan.
- Jake Al-Shadi: To where?
- Rachel Rozman: You know, if I had the answers to your questions, I wouldn't be sitting here trying to answer your questions.
- Rachel Rozman: [at her brother's hotel] What are you doing?
- Jake Al-Shadi: Don't worry. I got this.
- [reaching the room, he kneels down to pick the lock]
- Jake Al-Shadi: Got a few tricks up my sleeve.
- Rachel Rozman: Oh.
- [she pushes the door open]
- Rachel Rozman: Way to go there, desk jockey.
- Jake Al-Shadi: My job is to escort you to ID your brother's body. I'm not investigating a crime.
- Rachel Rozman: No, Jake! They're not gonna release his body if we don't find out what happened to him. You heard them; people were after him.
- Jake Al-Shadi: My job is also to keep you safe. You're my responsibility.
- Rachel Rozman: My brother wasn't unhinged!
- Jake Al-Shadi: You haven't seen him for three years.
- Rachel Rozman: Okay, fine. What's next?
- Jake Al-Shadi: The airport hotel.
- Rachel Rozman: What?
- Jake Al-Shadi: Look, I'm sorry about your brother, but we're not here to play detective. You're getting on that plane tomorrow. I'm not putting you in danger.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Any luck with getting the, uh, Jordanians to release the body?
- Conrad Hanley: Jake, that's us. We asked them not to release it.
- Jake Al-Shadi: What?
- Conrad Hanley: Plan B. Mothers wants her here a few more days.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Why? I just spent the evening telling...
- Conrad Hanley: He's the only one we've been able to ID. Now he's here. Let's see who else crawls out of the woodwork.
- Jake Al-Shadi: She doesn't know where the scroll is.
- Conrad Hanley: Well, the crazies don't know that. And frankly, Jake, neither do you.
- Jake Al-Shadi: What am I supposed to say to her, huh? "Actually, Dr. Rozman, stick around. We'd like to use you as bait."
- Conrad Hanley: Well... make it a little more charming.
- Jake Al-Shadi: You trying to get me fired? First class to Dubai?
- Rachel Rozman: [choking on her drink] How did you find me?
- Jake Al-Shadi: I work for the U.S. government, remember?
- Rachel Rozman: Yeah, the State Department, not the CIA.
- [he just looks at her]
- Rachel Rozman: I'm not leaving this plane.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Then neither am I.
- Jake Al-Shadi: You know, your, uh, rogue operation is costing the taxpayer a lot of money.
- Rachel Rozman: You know, that might be true if it wasn't for the fact that I actually paid for my own ticket.
- Jake Al-Shadi: I didn't. So, what's the plan? Just knock on Du Plessis' door and say hi?
- Rachel Rozman: No. He's expecting me.
- Jake Al-Shadi: How'd that happen?
- Rachel Rozman: I made a phone call. Personal touch, it goes a long way.
- Ed Mothers: Good work, Jake. She might have found the mystery woman. She's been a stroke of good luck, hasn't she? She got Du Plessis' attention. Play it out with her.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Well, even if that puts her in danger?
- Ed Mothers: We're not keeping her against her will. Let's let her help us.
- Jake Al-Shadi: By taking advantage of her grief.
- Ed Mothers: Our job is to get the scroll. Keep it out of the crazies' hands.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Or else what? Armageddon?
- Ed Mothers: Do you know what's on my desk, Jake? Two suicide bombings this morning. A new ISIS kidnapping, and a bunch of religious lunatics looking for a scroll. That's a fire we can put out.
- Beltran Reyes: Rachel Rozman?
- Rachel Rozman: Yeah.
- Beltran Reyes: I'm Beltran Reyes. Your brother was my friend. I work for Du Plessis.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Jake Al-Shadi, U.S. State...
- Beltran Reyes: You shouldn't have brought her here, Agent Al-Shadi. You're putting her in danger.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Like I had a choice.
- Beltran Reyes: We need to get you two out of here right now. Come on, let's go.
- Jake Al-Shadi: What happened back there?
- Beltran Reyes: They found her, stubborn girl. She should have just left the country.
- Rachel Rozman: Why would they kill her?
- Beltran Reyes: Same reason they killed your brother. He had noble intentions; he wanted to take the scroll to a museum in the U.S. and keep it safely there. Where's your car?
- Jake Al-Shadi: We took a cab.
- Beltran Reyes: Not a good idea. Drivers talk. They'll follow you. If we're lucky, they don't know who you are yet.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Who?
- Beltran Reyes: Could be anyone. Him. Or him.
- Jake Al-Shadi: Paranoid much?
- Beltran Reyes: When your enemy is invisible, it's wise to be paranoid.