Nickelodeon is having a bad streak of crappy sitcoms and cartoons alike, Spongebob lost its touch after season 6. This show was supposed to have more "positive messages", but it was instead kind of really, really forced to be that way. All the jokes leave you staring, and you get this cringy feel after they keep using the same lackluster unintelligent joke for the entire episode. Sure, it has some positive family messages, but those are all deemed useless after they fill the show with political nonsense and other junk like that, even entire episodes about turning off your TV to save the environment. (what).
The animation style is O-K, as they are clearly trying something new. This is actually one of Nickelodeon's first trys at making a completely G-rated family cartoon, but of course there are some edgy jokes mixed in, some even went too far, and they are kinda wasted on the young audience that this show was clearly meant for.
I guess what i'm trying to say is im happy Nickelodeon is finally coming up with some original ideas after like, 20 years of Spongebob, (Seriously its spongebob's 20th anniversary); because Nick keeps rebooting old stuff, such as TMNT, (ew), and they are on like their 7th superhero-themed sitcom now. But all that aside, this show is kinda 50-50. It has a really positive attitude and stuff and may be funny towards younger kids, but they keep mixing in really lackluster jokes that are SUPPOSED to appeal to older kids or adults but it just leaves us asking "was that supposed to be funny?"