Zombie Day Apocalypse
Zombie Day Apocalypse is a short film that was shot during the 2015 Portland Film Festival, utilizing almost 3,000 DIY zombies and fleeing Portlandia townsfolk. During the filming of a B-Gra... Read allZombie Day Apocalypse is a short film that was shot during the 2015 Portland Film Festival, utilizing almost 3,000 DIY zombies and fleeing Portlandia townsfolk. During the filming of a B-Grade zombie film, an actual zombie apocalypse is unleashed... Or is it?Zombie Day Apocalypse is a short film that was shot during the 2015 Portland Film Festival, utilizing almost 3,000 DIY zombies and fleeing Portlandia townsfolk. During the filming of a B-Grade zombie film, an actual zombie apocalypse is unleashed... Or is it?